On September 11 2001, a true tragedy took place. The single most deadly act of terror took place in New York City, as two planes were flown into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre. That same morning, in Washington DC, a plane was also flown into the Pentagon. And in Pennsylvania, thanks to the brave and valiant actions of the passengers, yet another plane was merely flown into the ground, instead of an unknown target. That these acts of destruction took place is undeniable, and we remember with pride and regret the heroes who selflessly faced unbelievable danger as they tried to save as many lives as they were able. These firefighters, police officers, and paramedics were just doing what they do. As a former paramedic, I understand this... and I offer to all members of the Emergency Services who responded to that disaster, and to all members who serve today, everywhere, a heartfelt "Thank You." Your service is noticed, and truly appreciated. And we pray that nobody should ever have to respond to a terrorist incident of that magnitude again.
On September 11 2011, ten years later, in the small community of Terrace BC, it was an appropriate day for the Terrace Speedway to hold it's final event for the 2011 automotive racing season... it was our annual Hit To Pass and Demolition Derby. Before I go any farther, I want to thank all of the volunteers for their many many hours of effort, and all of the sponsors for providing the funding for maintaining the Speedway. I also want to thank the Thornhill Volunteer Fire Department for coming out to help also. On this day, their firefighting services were actually required.
The day was started a little bit behind schedule, unfortunately. But it DID start with a bang, as the owner of a car that was experiencing mechanical difficulties decided to get some use out of it for the day. They rolled it. When you watch the video, you'll see the car is being pushed by the pickup towards a ramp. This single ramp is used primarily for this purpose, and as you can see, it does the job quite admirably. This video is actually of the SECOND roll of this car, and is driven by the same driver in each case. Oh yes... I'll explain why you see glass in this car in just a moment... Thanks to the seatbelt, helmet, and a deactivated airbag, the driver was unhurt in both cases.

After we had an intermission, it was time for the Demolition Derby... and that part of things went quite quickly. The Zero Efforts were reduced to two cars able to go at it... Two hits later, they were done. The Outlaws held their Derby heat... and that was a little bit of a spectacle, resulting in a few dead cars, after many, many hits and lots of smoker from the tires. The Banger Derby heat wasn't quite so spectacular, although it was also quite entertaining. It left a single car able to run... more on that in a moment.

And then... it was time for the final event of the day: the Outlaw Derby Final... with only two cars left, it was destined to be quick... So we thought. There was a lot of screeching, crunching, and smoke as the two cars jockeyed back and forth and slammed into each other again and again, until finally it was conceded that the green car was simply unable to do anything at all... it sat on the track like a lump on a log.